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  • Zak

Are you getting ready for the CAT 5 Corona shitstorm?

If your country, state/province, county, or city is now opening up their insane restrictions over the next month, consider yourself lucky. You might just be approaching the eye of the covid hurricane, a period of uneasy calm (but of course, with many absurd rules to keep you in fear and feeling like a slave).

Meanwhile, the hurricane all around you is ramping up speed from the current CAT 1, to eventually become a CAT 5 shitstorm before this is all over.

Most businesses will be declaring bankruptcy, these new social distancing rules make it impossible for many to stay profitable.

Currencies will be hyperinflating as governments continue to print money and give it to people for not working and incentivizing them to not work.

Food will become increasingly less available and expensive and people will start starving.

Social services will become sparse or unavailable.

And of course, there will be the inevitable second (and third+) waves of ‘corona virus’. With more lock-downs and censuring, and likely demonization of anyone who expects to have individual rights and freedoms.

All of the above was part of the plan. Its coming.

I put no fixed timeline on this. Itll certainly all happen in the next few years. But it is very likely at this point that much or all of it happens next year or this year.

So how will you be spending your limited time and income in the next few weeks or months to minimize the damage for when you exit the eye and get hit with the other side of this shitstorm?

Will you be buying more food, precious metals, supplies, and guns?

Will you be getting your butt out of the city into a more sustainable community?

Will you be learning important skills like how to garden?

Will you be building an online and offline TRUTH ARMY to fight this nonsense with real information of what is going on?

Will you be designing new systems that don’t rely on the current one?

Will you be cutting out your expenses for anything that isn’t important for survival and sanity of yourself, loved ones, and humanity?

Will you be focusing on getting yourself as healthy as possible and not reliant on the medical system?

Will you be developing yourself emotionally by pushing through fear, exercising willpower, remaining centered, and processing loss for a normal life that wont be coming back any time soon?

This is a window of opportunity. Don’t expect it to be open forever. Don’t get complacent. Don’t accept this as the new normal. The new normal will be much worse.

Work on finding and implementing solutions for what lays ahead. There are always solutions. But increasingly less the longer you wait to find and implement them.

The more prepared you are NOW, the more effective you will be LATER. You are needed in this fight. If you aren't prepared for how bad its going to get, you will be forced to focus all of your energy on taking care of yourself when it gets a lot worse. But if you prepare as much as possible now, you will be much more capable of dedicating your time and energy to the truth fight in the future. We will win this, but you need to take the long-view and don't put all your hope into expecting a victory any time soon. Think in terms of years, not months. Be prepared in terms of years.

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