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Discernment and openness create an unstoppable conspiracy theorist - Develop your masc/fem programs!

Open-mindedness is the ability to consider unlimited possibility and truly see how those possibilities are plausible. It's part of your feminine program.

Discernment is the ability to hone in onto a limited or singular possibility and label it as true (and everything else as false). It's part of your masculine program.

A person with a developed feminine program but a poorly developed masculine program tends to be either gullible and easily misled, or frequently uncertain of what to believe. These people are great at seeing how anything could be possible. But they have difficulty honing down to what is truth and what is false. These are the free flowing holistic kind of people.

A person with a developed masculine program but a poorly developed feminine program can't see the true range of possibilities and instead maintain a fixed range of what is possible (even the ones that seem very open minded on the surface). They are good at discerning the most plausible possibility from their limited realm of possibilities. They will usually be right if the truth exists in that limited realm of possibilities, but if it doesn't, they will believe an untruth and miss the truth. These are the typical 'skeptics'. Usually intelligent and detailed oriented, but can't see the forest.

A person with an undeveloped masculine and undeveloped feminine program can only see a small range of possibilities (often none of which are true) and they can't discern which is true, so they look up to an authority to tell them what to believe. These are most commonly referred to as sheep. Because they believe as they are told by authority. And often with unwavering conviction.

Lastly, is the person with a developed masculine and developed feminine program. They can properly see the infinite range of possibility and accurately hone in on the true one, or most likely ones. These are the conspiracy theorists. Not just any conspiracy theorist. But one who can sift through all the false narratives, disinfo agents, and misleading evidence, see the many ways they could all fit into the puzzle, and discern the single most likely truth from the many mainstream AND alternative lies.

* Note: discernment/openness is only one of MANY traits of the masculine/feminine program. I'm only focusing on the traits of how the two programs process information.

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