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  • Zak

The New-Age movement has groomed us for the slave-age. And the Slave-Age isn’t coming, it's here

I judge a movement by its fruits, not by what a movement says it stands for. That is why I believe the feminism movement, despite feminists saying it is about equal rights and equal respect, is really a movement about destroying the family, and elevating women above men according to the law and as a societal belief.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t some good feminists out there moving in the right direction. Nor does it mean that most feminists aren’t well-intentioned. But as a movement, feminism bears very evil fruits. And I make the claim that the exact same thing is true with the new-age movement.

I believe the new-age movement, despite new-agers saying it is all about growth and finding yourself, is really a movement about elevating the feminine above the masculine. Putting the feminine on a pedestal while demonizing, downplaying, ignoring, or (most commonly) mis-defining the masculine. Feminism elevates the physical woman over the physical man, whereas the new-age elevates the spiritual core of a woman’s programming (the feminine) over the spiritual core of a man’s programming (the masculine). Both movements groom people for our present day slave-age which is still in its infancy.

To understand why I have come to this conclusion, it is important to define what I mean by the masculine and feminine. Both are programs that men and women have, genetically encoded programs that are the basis for our human experience. But women have a primary feminine program and a secondary masculine program, and men have the reverse. You can over develop your secondary program so that it dominates the primary, and create a masculine woman or a feminine man. But that is the spiritual equivalent of walking on your arms and using your legs to hold your grocery bags. It can be done, but it isn’t your natural programming. It is not maximizing the use of your incredible gifts as a man or woman.

The masculine program manifests an inner vision by using action to change external reality to maximize the value it has access to. It is charged with acquiring, building, and protecting value. It motivates us with desire to go out and become ‘more’ than we are by acquiring tangible and intangible resources. Food. Money. Sexual access. Status. Skillsets. We are then motivated to protect those resources with fear and anger/aggression. It is a self-preservation program, and without it, we would all be dead.

The masculine is based on separation and boundaries. It judges right from wrong, black from white, good from bad. It has to, to properly discern what has value and what does not. From a genetic survival standpoint, the masculine is needed to figure out what is ‘good’ to help it survive and reproduce. Food; good. Getting eaten by a bear; bad. Sex; good. Being cast out of the tribe; bad.

Whereas the feminine program changes her internal self to deal with whatever external reality needs from her. It is charged with giving value away through nurturing and supporting. It motivates us with love to give our value to others to build them up. This is the devotion program, and without it, no baby would ever survive infancy, let alone childhood. There would be no human connection or bonding or caring about each other intrinsically. We would just be sociopaths trying to take value from each other.

Unlike the masculine, the feminine is based on inclusion and oneness. There is no differentiation between the self and the ‘other’. The good or the bad. There is only unity and love. The only value to the feminine is whatever external reality is. ‘Everything is perfect’. From a genetic survival standpoint, the feminine is needed to give an infant whatever it needs to survive. The external reality that mattered was the infant. The infant and its many needs are already perfect and are not judged as good or bad. The feminine doesn't try to change the infant or his needs. They are just nurtured and loved so it can thrive.

The masculine and feminine are both programs we are gifted with. And these programs can be developed with effort. The masculine can only be properly developed by taking action in the world to get results that you want. To get what you value. Building a real-estate empire, or becoming a successful pickup artist, or saving the world by speaking out and standing up to evil all have one thing in common; they are all development of the masculine. Its all about moving OUTWARD with growth, and defending that growth.

The feminine can only be properly developed by moving inward. You cannot develop your feminine by just ‘giving more’. Because the giving needs to come from the right place. From a place of love. You learn to love more and thus give more by healing yourself. And you heal yourself by moving inward and learning to accept and love everything. Accept and love yourself. Accept and love others. And accept and love whatever reality presents you with. The ‘now’. Its all about moving INWARD by letting go, and loving what ‘is’. The New-Age is very good at helping people develop this program.

As you might notice, these two programs are polar opposites in every way. You can develop them both. And you need to develop them both to become… lets say, super human. The more developed your masculine is, the better you are at getting what you want and holding onto it. The more developed your feminine is, the better you are at giving yourself to others, and to the present moment.

But the new-age focuses almost exclusively on developing only the feminine. Developing the feminine isn’t ‘bad’. But its a huge problem if you develop it without developing your masculine. And its an especially huge problem for men, because the masculine is their primary program. Without a developed masculine, the best they can ever be is a greatly inferior version of an unbalanced feminine woman.

Having an undeveloped masculine impairs your relationships, it impairs your ability to function in society. But more relevant to this writing, it impairs your ability to remain free and keep other people free. Because it turns you into a perfect slave. The perfect slave doesn’t take action to change their external reality, he doesn’t set firm boundaries of what is acceptable and what is not, and he doesn’t discern or judge evil as a bad thing that needs to be resisted. He just accepts and love everything. Everything is already perfect just the way it is. Even his slavery.

Whereas a human with a developed feminine AND developed masculine is much more difficult to enslave. Such a person can simultaneously accept the situation they are in, but still take real action to change it and make it better. So when they are faced with evil, they will act to resist it. They will speak out. They will rebel. They will judge their reality as wrong, and take action to make it right. They have an inner vision of a free society, and are willing to do what it takes to manifest it. That involves getting off their meditation pillow and TAKING ACTION.

Such a person doesn’t fight out of hate for their oppressors. They fight out of love. Love for themselves, love for their family and friends, and love for all of humanity. This is what a post-spiritual, post-new-age person looks like. It is time to accept that the outward journey into external reality (the masculine) is just as ‘spiritual’ as the inner journey (the feminine) into ourselves. Both are needed in this time if we want to end our slavery.

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