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  • Zak

You are being herded into a Greater Deception

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

Think really hard about this quote. How will you discern when we have won and are finally free? What would the world have to look like for you to KNOW it?

The bill gates agenda will not enslave humanity. I can pretty much guarantee that. It needs to be fought because it is evil and dangerous. But the masses will wake up to it. Lots may be gullible enough to take the vaccine and chip when it arrives, I do not know. But I am not concerned about the overall agenda. Because when you force obvious slavery onto people, they will resist it. We ARE resisting it. The masses will wake up.

But what about what comes after? What about when you let people think they have won freedom but have really just been sold their next brand of tyranny? For example, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, people ‘won’ their freedom. How did that work out for them? How many tens of millions of people were murdered or starved to death after winning their ‘freedom’?

Have you given much thought to that? Have you thought about the psyops, controlled opposition, trojan horse ‘systems’, and false narratives that will be used to enslave us by convincing us that we have won our freedom? Do you honestly believe that the powers that be are so brilliant to create this entire plan that spans decades (millennia actually) yet didn’t do anything to front run any awakening by installing alt media, alt narratives, and alt systems for us to be deceived by?

Ask yourselves these questions:

How do you discern whether a person or group is genuine vs controlled opposition?

How do you discern whether a future ‘system’ is for our benefit vs a trojan horse meant to enslave us?

How do you discern whether the narrative you believe is the right one, or a story to herd you with with truth into a Greater Deception?


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